• THIS IS THE 25th ANNIVERSARY YEAR FOR THE LES PAUL FORUM! PLEASE CELEBRATE WITH US AND SUPPORT US WITH A DONATION TO KEEP US GOING! We've made a large financial investment to convert the Les Paul Forum to this new XenForo platform, and recently moved to a new hosting platform. We also have ongoing monthly operating expenses. THE "DONATIONS" TAB IS NOW WORKING, AND WE WOULD APPRECIATE ANY DONATIONS YOU CAN MAKE TO KEEP THE LES PAUL FORUM GOING! Thank you!
  • WE HAVE MOVED THE LES PAUL FORUM TO A NEW HOSTING PROVIDER! Let us know how it is going! Many thanks, Mike Slubowski, Admin
  • Please support our Les Paul Forum Sponsors with your business - Gary's Classic Guitars, Wildwood Guitars, Chicago Music Exchange, Reverb.com, Throbak.com and True Vintage Guitar. From personal experience doing business with all of them, they are first class organizations. Thank you!
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  • Harry K Cody
    My name is Fru, I'm a former musician and a general surgeon in Mammoth Lakes California

    After 20 years in medical study and practice, I decided to pick up the guitar again.
    In the past year, I have been re-learning all of my favorites. Marty Friedman, Reb beach, Nuno etc,
    and have been pretty successful sweeping out the cobwebs, and nailing their songs/solos.
    I used to be really good.

    But Harry K Cody... Nowhere Fast, the song that had me pick up the guitar as a kid...
    I could never nail your stuff, something about it...
    In my mind, the genre's greatest.

    Where is your youtube presence?
    Can I trade you an appendectomy or colonoscopy for some lessons or Videos?
    I'm sure there are many more out there like me, seeking you out!
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