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  • Hi Danelectro,
    my name is Jan Zander. I was sold a fake 57 GT in 2016- Here are the X- rays. Now the seller writes to the court, this might be the only original 1957 Gibson chambered, and I am in possession of a possible very valuable unique collector piece. Thats just cynic.. Would you have 50s x-rays or anything else to support my claim? I will not use your name. All the best Jan
    There is a rumor that Mary Ford had a weight relieved Les Paul, but that may just be a rumor. Otherwise I have never heard of any chambered 1950's Les Pauls. Can you send a few photos of the guitar and the control cavity? I'll look for anything else that might be an indicator that guitar is not from the 1950s. It would be easier to send them via email: dynasonic@msn.com
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