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How are you using your Keeley Compressor?

double tones

New member
Dec 19, 2002
I got a Keeley Compressor recently and I am wondering how you set yours up and what you use it for?

So far I've used it with my Les Paul Custom and orange ad30 amp.
I have yet to try it with my mesa mark 1.



Jan 14, 2003
I have mine on my pedal board powered by my Voodoo Labs pedal power. I run in this order: Original Fuzz Face, Keeley Compressor, Original TS808, Boss Digital Dimension, Phase 90, Tuner, Volume Pedal, Boss DD5 delay. I run the Keeley ON all the time 100%. This setup works well when running an amp totally clean or possibly right on the edge of breakup. I run the Keeley on about 11:00 gain, 1:00 volume. When I run the Fuzz Face I can control the distortion from total clean to total fuzz, and the Keeley keeps the volume constant. Also the Keeley in front of the TS808 makes the screamer sound quite decent even with a NON pushed amp down the line. With my "pedal board rig" I usually run either a '69 Fender Vibrolux set on 4-5, or a '68 Plexi Marshall Super bass 100 set at about 6.

I play mainly a Callaham strat w/fralins, a '71 tele, or a Les Paul standard.

jim in texas

New member
Oct 4, 2001


Keeley comp. sustain set @ 9:00. level set @ 12:00


Vic Double Deluxe or 59 Bassman

that's it.

Phil M

Active member
Jul 16, 2001
I don't use it regularly, but when I do, there are a couple of ways I like to set it up.

The reason I got it was to do some decent squashing to even out my rhythm on a couple of songs. I didn't end up needing it for that so I started using it as a boost with the sustain all the way off and the level up. It's a great compressor, but it's a great boost too with a lot of clarity.


New member
Apr 12, 2003
Sustain 10:30. volume 3:00. I have mine on cleans all the time and also boost the signal some this allows me to even the volumes with my TS-9, AC Booster and SD-9. I can also kick it on with either of the OD's. By the way, I bought a MXR Dyna Comp reissue and it stunk. A friend has an Analogman Bi Comp and he was telling me how nice it was, so I went to AM's web sight to have a look see. While I was browsing hi sight I noticed he does a mod on MXR's to his CompRosser specs for $75.00. I'll have mine back in a few days. I'll post about it when it comes but it and the Keeley should be very close.

fast ricky love

In the Zone/Backstage Pass
Mar 27, 2002
I just got a Keeley Compressor, am gonna play it out for the first time Sunday, anxious to see what it does for my tone. Just practicing with it at home I'm liking the way it smoothes things out and adds sustain, I'm hoping that will translate to cooler, easier to manage feedback at loud/band volumne. I'm fairly new to pedals in general, I find if I set the volumne any higher than say 10:00 o'clock, it's much louder than the amp when the pedal is kicked on. How do you guys do it that set your volumnes higher in terms of keeping it semi uniform with your amp?


New member
Apr 12, 2003
I have all my pedals set hot, they all slam the amp. When I used a TS-9 I had the drive on half and the volume full up, so I turned my comp up to keep up. I seldom use the comp with OD, if I do, I back off the volume on the guitar.


New member
Apr 12, 2003
Just got the Analogman MXR mod in and it's great. Tone wise, I can't tell any difference between it and the Keeley. It compresses faster so to me about 9.00 is about the same as 10.30 on the Keeley. If you run onto a MXR reissue cheap, nab it and send it to Mike, $75.00 later, you'll have a great comp!


New member
Jun 3, 2003
I had the Analogman-modded MXR -- the "Dyna-Ross" -- and I thought it was a great pedal. It was more inexpensive than the Keeley, although the Keeley is true bypass and reputedly uses better components. Both are essentially gray Ross Compressor clones.

I ended up selling the Analogman because of the cost versus how much I actually used it. I found a used block-logo/script-bottom MXR Dyna-Comp for $50 and have been happy ever since. If I ever want that Ross/Keeley/Analogman sound, I know what simple mods I need to do. Of course, I see a lot of Keeley compressors for sale nowadays so maybe now is the time to buy one up cheap.


New member
Apr 13, 2003
I use mine with compression at 12:00, and level set pretty high as a boost... gets a great blues tone.

double tones

New member
Dec 19, 2002
I would like to kick it on for a bit of boost and sustain and smoothness for solos but it makes a loud pop when I step on it...anyone else having this problem?

Thanks all for your replies.


New member
Sep 6, 2002
double tones said:
I would like to kick it on for a bit of boost and sustain and smoothness for solos but it makes a loud pop when I step on it...anyone else having this problem?

Thanks all for your replies.

No not at all.......give Robert a call...or email!


New member
Jan 4, 2022
I got a Keeley Compressor recently and I am wondering how you set yours up and what you use it for?

So far I've used it with my Les Paul Custom and orange ad30 amp.
I have yet to try it with my mesa mark 1.



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New member
Jan 4, 2022
well, I've been using mine since '00
most recently with the three Asterix marked amps.
81 boogie mk2b
67 Fender Vibroluxe reverb**
2 suhr hombres* (recently aquried '23-'24)**
'59 fender deluxe tweed
Vox ac30hw2
'63 brown fender Vibrolux
'63 brown fender Deluxe
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