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Jimmy Page Les Paul...Help


New member
Oct 20, 2001
hey guys... what's the current value on these guys?

Has it gone up much since they discontinued them...

I found one that seems cheap, is it worth it to spend the cash(it's still a pile for a student), and pay off my student debt with it in several years?


Sir Gazzalot
Nov 13, 2001
How cheap is the one you are possibly going to purchase? and what is the condition like?

I have seen them selling between $2200-$2800.


New member
Oct 20, 2001
excellent/mint condition.... it's about $1500US, I don't know if it has it's papers and stuff though. It's overseas, so shipping is expensive and i don't know about duties and stuff...


New member
Aug 6, 2001
There's one here in Edmonton for sale for CDN$4400 or so... I'd guess that's around $3000 US. It looks to be in very good condition (I didn't pick it up).




Sir Gazzalot
Nov 13, 2001
LoudSoldano said:
excellent/mint condition.... it's about $1500US, I don't know if it has it's papers and stuff though. It's overseas, so shipping is expensive and i don't know about duties and stuff...

If it is in almost mint condition and all original $1500 U.S. Dollars is a good price.;\


New member
Oct 20, 2001
hard to say... It's soooo far away, like half the world....

it seems like these would be a good model to get into, there was one in halifax that sold for like $3000 Canadian(1875US)...

it would probably be a good buy, but I don't have the funds...

Anyone else have any thoughts on the JP LP?


Jul 21, 2001
That's a good price, and the Page LPs will probably hold their value pretty well. My impression is that they're not all that common on the used market and that there's a steady, if small, demand for them.

But that stuff about overseas makes me cringe. Have you priced shipping? Anything other than air express shipping is out of the question, or should be, imo. Too much chance of damage/theft otherwise. And what about shipping insurance? This normally pays the -shipper- if things are lost/stolen/damaged. And that's after a considerable waiting period. And then he sends you a check. Hopefully.

Is the seller a shop, with a strong reputation and references? Or just some guy? If the latter, I personally wouldn't even consider it. Too many things can go wrong.

My personal rule is to never do a mail deal with anyone other than a strong, reputable seller with mucho references, UNLESS you can afford to eat the entire cost if things go bad. And, let's face it, if you're going to pay for this with student loan money you're not really in that situation, right? :)

If you're a student, you're probably pretty young. Relax. You've got plenty of time for expensive toys/investments/collectibles later. You'll own many guitars in your life. For now, I'd forget that collectible stuff and find a nice LP for playing that's a lot closer. I realize that where you're at you may be forced to mail order for anything at all, but I'd at least be limiting the list to reputable dealers in your country.

Best of luck whatever you decide to do.


New member
Oct 20, 2001
Thanks man... I think I will pass on it, I know it's a killer deal, and it is from a realllyyyy reputable dealer, but I probably don't need another Les Paul, especially one I'd probably be scared to play.

I'm going to get a custom made G&L

if anyone really wants the Les Paul, let me know and I'll send the link...

keep rockin.