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Tone Enhancement.

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Active member
Jun 25, 2007
You should never use ordinary WD-40 on pots. WD-40 is a water dispersant and lubricant which leaves a non conductive residue when it dries out, if you need to clean a pot you should use a dedicated electrical contact cleaner such as Deoxit D5 or Servisol 10. The WD-40 brand do now make a dedicated electrical contact cleaner which is fine to use on pots but the traditional WD-40 product should never be used.

None of these products will do anything to enhance your tone, they will clean dust and dirt from the pots and prevent noise and crackling when using the pot.

Blind Lemon Chicken

Active member
Sep 16, 2024
I bet many real bursts were done this way in the 70's no problem.. frozen pots.. no noise , no crackling . tone enhancement


Active member
Jun 25, 2007
I don't doubt that many people have in the past and still do lots of things to their guitars that are not a good idea.

There is the correct product for cleaning pots which will do a good job of cleaning them and evaporate away leaving no residue, then there is the wrong product which will not do a very good job of cleaning the pot and will leave behind an oily residue that can potentially attract dust and form an abrasive paste inside the pot.

Your guitar, your choice.

Blind Lemon Chicken

Active member
Sep 16, 2024
Works on distributor caps too! Geez lots of you folks change out pickups like underwear but one must protect pots at all costs. Make sure there is never a need to replace them .. Question! How did they attract dust in the first place? If I recall in the 70's you used what you had on the road and nobody really cared about Les Pauls.. Pass my Strat..

Blind Lemon Chicken

Active member
Sep 16, 2024
Getting all tied up over a comment about pots and Wd is a modern phenomena that we could all do without . sticks and stones.
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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2003
I have no idea how people could change rusty strings, set the action, clean scratchy pots and repair broken headstock before the existence of social media, but I do know that trolls didn't exist back then.
I had a good friend who was a partner at Travis Bean Guitars. He taught me a lot about fixing guitars, basses and amps in 1973!

Blind Lemon Chicken

Active member
Sep 16, 2024
Try to learn the difference between opinion and facts.
Well if anything this thread is fantastic Clique Bait. All the Clique gather around and bully anyone who differs from themselves.. Just like most Forums.. While using Social Media a friendly reminder here to be Sociable while doing so would suffice . Or you could just ignore people , try that.. Didn't realise you were a fact checker, I hear they are on the way out too.. Not much wonder it's quiet here.. Have a nice life Hombre.
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